KBDi Accreditation Marking Sheet (KITCHEN)

Name of ASSESSOR(Required)
Name of APPLICANT(Required)
[Name of folder/files]

Section 1 | Design Brief & Design Statement

Design brief offers clear and concise explanation of client brief and site parameters
Design statement offers clear and concise explanation of how the requirements of the client brief were met and how challenges associated with the brief and site parameters were overcome
[if applicable or appropriate]

Section 2 | Design & Innovation

[High score: use of space (including how the kitchen relates to adjoining rooms/areas) is both practical and innovative.]
[High score: overall design aesthetic is balanced and harmonious.]
[High score: material, colour and finish selection is appropriate and cohesive.]
[High score: design demonstrates originality and flair.]
[if applicable or appropriate]

Section 3 | Layout

Suitable clearance (minimum 800 mm) has been allowed for at all entrances to kitchen
Cabinet and appliance doors/drawers do not conflict upon opening
Sufficient space has been allowed between parallel benchtops (1000 mm minimum, generally; 900 mm between bench and free-standing island)
Adequate work area has been provided adjacent to preparation sink (900 mm minimum)
A minimum of 300 mm landing space has been allowed for to either side of the cooking surface
At least 400 mm of bench space has been allowed for beside an oven (or in practical proximity)
At least 400 mm of bench space has been allocated to the opening side of a microwave or steam oven (or in practical proximity)
A minimum of 400 mm landing space has been allocated on the door opening side of the refrigerator or, alternatively, within 1200 mm from the front of the appliance (providing this is not in a major walkway)
Shelf/cabinet base for microwave, steam oven or coffee machine is no higher than 1250 mm from floor (unless justified in brief)
Waste area (i.e. rubbish bin storage) is in practical and accessible location
[if applicable or appropriate]

Section 4 | Compliance

Clearances from cooking surface to rangehood comply with AS/NZS 5601 and/or manufacturer’s installation instructions
Sufficient power outlets and switches have been provided and are positioned in accordance with AS 3000
Adequate and appropriate task and general lighting has been considered
Minimum clearance of 450 mm between benchtops and overhead cabinets/shelves in a non-cooking area
Cooking surface (i.e. heat source) is at least 300 mm from an openable window (with 500 mm preferred for gas)
Mechanical ventilation/extraction has been provided
Natural lighting and ventilation are in accordance with the minimum requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC)
[High score: applicant has met all significant requirements set out above.]
[if applicable or appropriate]

Section 5 | Specifications

Fixtures and fittings (appliances, tapware, hardware, lighting etc.) - specifications include:
Finishes and colours - specifications include:
Room finishes - specifications include:
[High score: specifications are clearly set out, comprehensive and error free.]
[if applicable or appropriate]

Section 6 | Plans, Elevations and Pictorial View

Plan set includes:
Floor plans include:
Elevations and/or sections include:
Mechanical (or services) plans include:
Pictorial views (3D or perspective sketches):
[High score: accurately depicts project requirements and facilitates accurate estimating by manufacturers/builders.]
[if applicable or appropriate]
[High score: accurately depicts project requirements and facilitates accurate estimating by manufacturers/builders.]
[if applicable or appropriate]