A message from our Corporate Plus Partner, Hideway.
With most city councils around Australia collecting three or four types of waste and recycling, there is an increasing demand for easier ways to separate waste and recycling. Hideaway Bins recently introduced colour-coded liner holders, a simple yet effective upgrade that can have a bigger impact than you think. Read on to see the benefits of colour-coding your waste bin.
Say goodbye to confusion and hello to simplicity!
Recycling can be confusing, especially if you are unsure which bin to put your rubbish or recycling into. Colour-coded bins offer a visual cue that simplifies the process of waste separation. By assigning different colours to each type of waste or recycling, such as paper, glass, and food, you can easily identify the right bin for each item.
Increases Participation and Awareness:
Whether in the home or the office environment, colour-coded recycling bins serve as educational tools that promote awareness about the importance of recycling and waste reduction. The visible differentiation of bins helps everyone, even children, understand the significance of separating waste and the positive impact it can have on the environment. This increased awareness leads to improved participation and commitment to sustainable practices.
Reduced Contamination and Improved Recycling Rates:
One of the most significant advantages of colour-coded bins is the reduction of contamination in recyclable materials. When materials are placed in the wrong bin, like food going into a paper recycling bin, then the material becomes contaminated. This adds more work downstream in sorting or may mean that those materials cannot be recycled at all. Colour-coded bins help by separating waste at the source and reducing contamination. This in turn leads to improved recycling rates and a more efficient use of resources.
Hideaway Colour Coded Liner Holders
These are available in four new colours – Red, Green, Yellow and Blue – and are available to suit all Concelo bins and most of the Hideaway Compact range.
With the Hideaway Colour Coded Liner Holders, you can pick and choose which ones match your local requirements best. Not all city councils have the same colour wheelie bins for their rubbish and recycling collection, but the general colours used in Australia are:
To learn more, see the Hideaway website or contact one of Hideaway’s distribution partners – Hafele, Nover or Galvin Hardware.